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Daggerwing Group announces Lead Sponsorship of this year’s Conference Board Change & Transformation Event

Daggerwing Group is proud to announce that we’re the Lead Sponsor of The Conference Board’s 19th annual Change & Transformation Conference, taking place virtually on June 15th and 16th.

As a global Top-10 rated change firm that has been at the forefront of the people side of business transformation for more than 20 years, Daggerwing is excited to join an impressive roster of speakers and attendees who are responsible for driving change at their organizations.

“The extraordinary circumstances of last year forced everyone to rethink the employee and customer experience, company culture, the digital tools needed for productive collaboration and ways of working,” says Ewan Main, Daggerwing Group Co-Founder and CEO. “Now, leaders are facing a new set of challenges, and the answers to those are essential to how organizations will recover and re-emerge as the world opens back up.”

Daggerwing – and clients from HPE and Nestlé – will be featured on both days of The Conference Board event. 

Join us on June 15th when Daggerwing Group Senior Principal, Michelle Mahony, will facilitate a conversation with HPE’s Director of Employee Experience and Communication, Katie Sibley, who oversaw HPE’s award-winning cultural evolution. They’ll discuss the implications that the future of work has had on culture, the red flags that can hinder success and the importance of aligning Executives around the idea that culture is a strategic business priority.

And then come back for day two on June 16th, when Daggerwing Group Principal, Chris Thornton, facilitates a conversation with Nestlé USA’s Vice President of HR, Operations and Transformation, David Tredo. They will discuss why the biggest barrier to the CEOs transformation strategy is often the “messy middle” management level, and what to do about it. David will share the successful strategies that Nestlé implemented to enable and empower their leaders to drive change and be held accountable for it.

For more information, visit: We look forward to seeing you there!

Ewan is the Chairman & Co-Founder of Daggerwing Group. Executives at client firms have benefited from Ewan’s practical, hands-on approach to helping senior teams make rapid decisions, set priorities and take action to fuel faster growth through accelerated customer and employee behavior change. Building on a career history in global executive management roles and entrepreneurship, Ewan applies a unique perspective on the challenges Executives face in developing one coordinated approach to the drivers of business performance: delivering the brand promise to customers at an enterprise level, activating corporate culture to improve business results, realigning the organization’s structure and processes to adapt to constant change, and engaging and equipping employees to impact value delivered to customers.