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Elizabeth Stocker

Elizabeth is an Associate Principal at Daggerwing Group. She is passionate about unleashing the potential of organizations and their greatest asset, their people, through innovative and disruptive methods that create meaningful and memorable change. She has helped many organizations bridge the gap between where they are today and where they want to be. You can find Elizabeth on the weekends training for her next marathon followed by some good quality time binge-watching whatever the latest and greatest reality tv show is.


How are organizations making every day Mother’s Day at work?

Being a working mother can be empowering – from feeling a sense of purpose and pride to having more financial independence to being a role model for children and peers. … Continued


#3FastFacts: Resilience at Scale

In the midst of continuous change, employees are feeling fatigued and uncertain. To combat this, resilience is key. We’re sharing #3FastFacts on how storytelling, psychological safety, and addressing obstacles head … Continued


Resilience at Scale: Three Focus Areas to Help Strengthen Your Business for an Unpredictable Future

A senior leader at a Fortune 500 company was disappointed in her company’s latest employee survey results, which showed people were feeling disengaged, lonely, and even a bit frustrated. In … Continued


Flexing Flexibility: Designing Work Experiences that Fit Business and People Needs

Use Daggerwing’s 6 “Employees with Flexible Needs” Personas as a Shortcut to Designing Your Company’s Flexible Employee Experiences Navigating business survival through the pandemic has taught corporate leaders some key … Continued


Managing COVID-19: Making Virtual Meetings More Productive

One of our clients summed up the current situation perfectly: Business as Unusual. COVID-19 has caused many organizations to take on a different approach to ways of working. If you’re … Continued


How to Make Your Company a Great Place to Work

Today, few business leaders would argue employees’ workplace experience matters to their bottom line. Companies, like products, require yelp-like reviews and rankings …

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